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Sunday Life & Living Authentically….

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My new series starting in January,  “Living An Authentic Life”
 will cover the gambit on ways to create a home that feels authentically yours, but part of creating that home is learning what being “authentic” means to you.  For me that means finding what makes me happy or what I can do to make others happy.  Every Sunday, I will discuss traditions or events from my life or the life of others that I feel are part of what creates that “happy” in a family.  I am going to bare my soul and share some insights that might surprise you.  I am also going to have some guest posts that I am really excited about as well.  Sharing our “authentic selves” is not always easy, but I think it helps others find their own true self which is what this series is all about.  
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Deepak Chopra


 Are you willing to embark on this journey?  What will it take?  How will we do it?  Will we  achieve success?  Only time will tell.  It isn’t something that happens fast, it is a true journey.  Are you ready for the experience?  
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James Carroll
It isn’t hard, it just takes time and effort.  It isn’t about being perfect or better, but about being “just right” as we learned from the old fairy tale Goldilocks & The Three Bears.   We learn as much from the process as we do from the outcome.
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John Updike


 Having an authentic home isn’t only about finding the art that speaks to your soul or the chair placement that is right for the number of people in your family, but also about the heart of the home, the soul of the home, so that is what these Sunday posts will discuss.  How to you create a soulfulness or a home with heart?
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Tina Turner
What is Sunday like at your house? The day we are suppose to rest, rejuvenate and regroup.
What does your day of rest include?  Do you go to church, enjoy the day at home, or
visit with friends and family?  When I was a little girl, we always went to church and often after church we would go eat at my Grandmother’s.  If we didn’t go eat at my grandmothers, we would end up there by the end of the day.  Both of my grandparents lived very close to us so many Sundays we would visit both sets of grandparents.  There were always cousins to play with and good food to eat.  As an adult, I don’t live near my family so I miss that tradition.  I grew up in a large family and as an adult haven’t had family living around me and rarely even have family visit.  The rest of my family live fairly close to one another so they see each other and eat together through out the year.  We see them on holidays and in the summer when we are at the beach.  Many of the traditions that were part of my childhood have no longer been part of my adulthood.  Has that been the same with you or has life afforded you the same pleasures?  For years, I felt empty and lonely on Sundays and couldn’t figure out why.  It wasn’t until I identified that I was missing my childhood Sundays that I was able to put a finger on how I was feeling.  I can’t have those Sundays with my side of the family but my in-laws live fairly close to us, so we started having them over every Sunday night for dinner.  My children look forward to this as much as I did the traditions of my youth. 
That’s when I realized, that in life we don’t always get what we want ,so we have to look for ways to be happy with the life that we have been dealt.   Are there things from your childhood you miss?  Are these things something you want for your own children?  If so, find your way to recreate the experiences you enjoyed for your own family in your own way.  
It’s all part of living authentically.  
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Nikky Finney
What do you want your life to say about you?  What do you want to pass on to the next generation?  What traditions, experiences do you want to continue in your family?
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Robert Bresson

I am going to keep a notebook during our experience where I write down things I know make me happy.  Will you do the same?  I challenge you to record 5 things today that make you have and give your heart happiness?  Then write down five ways you will strive to create more balance, happiness and tradition in your home in 2013.  I hope you will think about these things and record them!  Please share with me what you find!

Happy Sunday!

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