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Looking Back Over 2012

They say you can’t live life looking in the rear view mirror…you never get anywhere….
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Photography by Linda McCartney/Courtesy of the Bonnie Benrubi Gallery NYC
I am not a big fan of looking back, unless it is to measure growth.  Sometimes looking back can be disappointing, for example when you realize you didn’t honor the resolutions you declared the year before.  I have a new way of thinking about those unconquered resolutions though.  If I didn’t get those done, it was probably because something better came along, so I chose the better options.  My list for this past year was pretty lofty.  Do you remember it?  Where you a reader then?  If not, click here for the post of my resolutions for 2012.  
Why do we make resolutions?
I am going to move some of those unfinished resolutions from last year to this years list, because I still deem them worthy, but you will have to wait til New Year’s to see which ones! 
 This past year was a wonderful year for Lisa Mende Design.  I hope you won’t mind a little retrospective journey through 2012.  Since this was my first year back to work since taking time off after my son’s death, I really didn’t know what to expect.  Not only had I changed but the face of business has changed, since I left my practice in 2009.  Gone were the days of client’s with unlimited budgets and jobs galore.  The dip in the economy forced several of my suppliers and resources out of jobs.  Clients were clinging a little more tightly to their pocketbooks.  Social Media has taken over by storm.  Now lots of people think they can look at Pinterest and figure out how to decorate. (actually it has really helped make things easier for the DIY-er)  I recognized that I would have to basically start over with my practice.  My old way of doing things would have to change.  I would not only have to be smarter about my business but I would also have to work harder for  my business to thrive and grow.
I decided to look at it as a new chapter, instead of a struggle to rebuild.  I even changed the name of my business.  Since 1998, I had operated as Faraby House Design but in 2009 when I started my blog, I decided to change the business to my own name.  It was simpler.  Still there were issues with pronunciation but at least it was my name.  Faraby was my great grandmother’s name.  I had always wanted to name a girl that name but since I wasn’t able to use it for a child, I chose to name my business that name.  I was always trying to spell it or pronounce it for someone, so when I started over, it seemed a good time to change the name.  Now people try to call me “Men dez” or put the ~ over the e but it’s really just plain “Mende” folks.  I use to say, “like Mork and Mindy” but that was so long ago, no one remembers them now, so I just get blank stares if I say that. 
 Enough of the history onto more current affairs….. 
 Here’s what happened at Lisa Mende Design in 2012!!!
January – Resolutions for 2012 – some I kept ,some I didn’t !
February – Fabulous new clients, I feel so blessed!!!
March – I was added to the Master Designer Blogroll by Darlene
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April – Michelle Obama asked me to decorate the White House, (NOT)
but I did have fun with an April Fools post here
Attended The High Point International Market, read about it here & here
May – I attended Blogfest 2012 in NYC sponsored by Kravet!  It was awesome
you can read about it herehere , here & here.  I finally got to meet in person
designers and bloggers that I felt I knew from our online friendship, and the
 wonderful people from Kravet including Cary and Lisa Kravet, and
 their wonderful team.
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June –  I was asked to participate in the One Room Challenge by Linda from 
My Crafty Home Life and Jennifer from Pretty Pink Pagoda.  I met some really neat
new blogger friends whom I still follow today!  We shared our six week plan
to redo one room.  It was really fun!
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I became a member of Tobi Fairley’s Mastermind group and flew to 
Little Rock , Arkansas for the first time!  It was fabulous! 

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July – Was nominated by The High Point Market to be one of the contestants in the “Style Spotter” Contest sponsored by Olioboard, read the post here! Also, did work for a Lowe’s online project called 3Flat Design while living at the beach house. 

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August – I was chosen by Brizo luxury brand faucets, to attend their Fashion
 Week Event and Jason Wu’s Fashion Show!  Bar none a highlight in my design biz!
I think even I will go back and reread the post here !  Becoming an elite member of blogger19
was a highlight for me!!!
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I  won the 9th spot on the Style Spotter panel for the High Point Oct. market 
thanks to you my loyal voters!!!
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September – The lovely Janell Beals featured me in an article about Raising Sons 
in her online magazine House of Fifty!  
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I traveled to NYC for the Brizo Event which was ah-may-zing!!!  Read about it here! And
if you want to read more there are several other post during September about that
fab trip!!!
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October –  I attended the High Point Market as the 9th Style Spotter and boy did
I have a blast!!  Not only did I find beautiful trend setting furniture and accessories
but you my readers helped me win the honor of being Style Spotter for the entire market!!!
Thank you again!!!
November –  My blog was named one of  Modenus Top 100 Blogs!!!!
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December –   The Hooper Kyser House in Chapel Hill which is the oldest house in Chapel Hill and one of my projects over the past year, was
on the Historical Society of Chapel Hill’s Christmas Tour!  
All in all it was a very productive year for a first year back in business!! 
Please don’t think I am bragging because this post is a far cry from that.
I stand in amazement over what has happened in my life over the past 
year.  It is not because of me, but because of God and how he has put the
right people in my path.  I am a shining example of someone who can rise
from the ashes and live again.  
I thank you for your love and support in 2012!!!
Here’s to great things to come in 2013!!!!
Thank you for coming along with me for the ride!!
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