Recently The Globe and Mail published an article written by Adriana Barton, “Obsessed with home decor? You may have self-image problems.” Women are comparing themselves and their homes to others to the point of causing self esteem issues. Has the onslaught of home design tv shows and websites like Pinterest, helped us or made us feel inept? Can you believe that in one year, Pinterest has gone from 1 million visitors a month to 21 million a month! This growth has been caused mainly by the home decor industry. We like to see what’s out there and what others are doing. There has been lots of conversations from bloggers about how blog make life look perfect but often the blogger feels far from perfect. Many bloggers have gone so far as posting a picture of a messy home or sharing their insecurities to let their readers know that “life isn’t perfect” in blog land. Blog posts about “real life” always get loads of comments from readers. I think has become a real issue for many people. As women, we often feel our home is an extension of ourself image, just like our weight and our clothing. We may not be able to lose 50 lbs in a day, but we can go out and buy those killer lamps that somehow makes us feel better about ourselves. I know that I have been guilty of this in my own home. I ask you to go read the article and tell me what you think? Has this been an issue in your life? How can we change this?

Lisa Mende
“The Design Connector” connecting you to the people, places, and products you need to know in the Interior Design World. Written by Lisa Mende, who is an Interior Designer, Tastemaker and Brand Collaborator located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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