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What is Pinterest and Why Use It?

What is Pinterest?

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“Pinterest is a virtual pinboard”
  Do you currently keep a file cabinet with scraps or pages from magazines of things that interest you for future reference?  With Pinterest, you can sell the file cabinet and use that space for something else!    All those ideas can be kept at your fingertips in one place online at Pinterest!  The best part is it is free!!! and at anytime you can clean out your file by deleting items.   It is really interesting to start pinning and discover where your interest really lie. 
So what can you do with Pinterest?
Decorating ideas for your home, Find your fashion style,  find great recipes,save inspirations, Plan a wedding or a party & 100’s of other things!  The ideas are endless. 
Some unique ways I use Pinterest include:
1) Type in a paint color and rooms that paint color will often pop up.  This is helpful if  I am trying to help a
 client visualize a paint color I have chosen for them!  
I typed in Sherwin Williams “SW6211- Rainwashed” and got about 30 examples of that color used in a room.  
Here is one:
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See how this can help you to see the color in a room.  It might not keep you from making a mistake but it will help you to see how vivid the actual color can be in a space.  
2) Create boards for clients where I can pin things, but invite them to pin things as well like this great marble subway we are getting ready to use in a project!
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3)  Keep up with great tips that I want to refer back to later, like this great blog post from my friend Courtney Price on “How to Care for Marble Countertops” 
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4)  I often find myself at the end of the day in the car, thinking  about what am I going to cook for dinner…Guess what I do…I access my mobile Pinterest account, peruse the recipes I have pinned and stop off at the grocery to get exactly what I need!  The recipe is right there so no need to make a list!
 It’s a total lifesaver!
Here is the chili recipe we are having for dinner tonight!
Thank You Crepes of Wrath!
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How do you get a Pinterest account?
You can click here for complete instructions or continue reading below!
1) Go to and select the button “Join Pinterest” at the top of the page
2) Register by using email,Facebook or Twitter Accounts, simply allow access when asked.
3) Next you will install the “pin it” button in safari and drag to your book mark bar above.
If you don’t know what your book mark bar is watch the tutorial here
4) Start Pinning away!!!!
Did you know that 21 million people use Pinterest a month?  Have I convinced you that you are missing out if you don’t have an account?  Join today to pin items of interest or  just plain want to see what everybody else is up to? 
Isn’t it time you got a piece of the cake  I mean pie?
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Other questions you may have:
(“Credit: Copy was taken directly from Pinterest Site”)
1) What is a pin?  A pin is a visual image that you can either upload to your Pinterest page or capture by using the “Pin it” button you download to your book mark bar
2) What is a board? “A board is a set of pins.  aboard can be any topic you like such as furniture, paint colors, recipes, or personal style.  It can be anything you want to save.  You can name it whatever you want!   You can “pin” as many as you like!
3) How do I install the “Pin it” Button to begin pinning, Click Here for instructions!
Now go have fun and let me know if you love it!!!!
If you are already pinning tell me what your favorites are!
If you follow me on Pinterest here, I will follow you back, but if you want to follow my ” High Point Market Style Spotter” Board, you will need to also Click here and follow that special board to see the newest trends at market Oct 13-18th! 
Let me know if you need any help on Pinterest!
I love pinning so much, I would enjoy helping form another “Pinterest addict”!  haha!!!
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