When I was younger I was really guilty of comparing my life to others, but as I have gotten older, I have come to realize that we must take responsibility for creating the lives we wish to live.
Why do you want a steam shower? Are you aware of all the benefits steam offers? Not only does it hydrate your skin but also removes toxins from the body, which can in turn boost your metabolism. Not to mention it is so dang relaxing.
Steam can act an expectorant, which an help
with allergies and help ward off sinus infections and colds.
Yes, that’s right, you can burn 150 calories just sitting in a steam shower!
So are you ready…..
My favorite Mr. Steam product is the iSteam. It’s so simple to operate. It allows you to adjust the temperature, lighting, music and aromatherapy all with just one finger touch control panel that is almost flush- mounted on your shower wall. Think “iPhone easy” to use. Watch the video below and see for yourself how amazing this product is.
I challenge you to start living a better life today with Mr. Steam!
I have to run because every Monday at noon Mr Steam does the Monday mambo to get the week moving. Won’t you join us? You can stand up at your desk and dance along! Make sure you tweetMr Steam on twitter and let us know you did and if you are feeling really adventurous make a video of your Monday Mambo!!!
Don’t forget to Enter the TotoUSA Contest
for a e350s Waterlet $1700 value.