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How to Create Cool Decorations ….

Remember Last week when I showed you this stuff
and asked you to guess what I was going to do with it?
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 Well, I had to buy more stuff to accomplish my goals….
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And more stuff….
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And even more stuff….
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My table became such a mess, I decided to take a break and try to
figure out what I was going to do with the fishing net I bought!
 The net was white, but I didn’t like it that way….
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So I put it in the sink with watered down paint…
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I was beginning to worry about finishing in time, so I  hired an assistant to help me out…My niece Lily was ready, willing and able!  She took over painting one of the canvases!  Whew!  Big help Lily!  
I couldn’t have done it without you!
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We were feeling so good about  our progress….
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I added a another project to the mix ….
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Ooops, I almost forgot I was going to do this….
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Ok, I’m really getting tired.  I think I will take a break and 
show you what Lily painted….
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Oops!  I am out of the time I allotted for this post today, sorry!  You’ll have to wait to see how all this turns out!  I have to go work on my High Point Style Spotter Olioboard Contest!!!  My design board is due today and I want to tweak somethings before I post it!  The contest officially starts tomorrow, so make sure you vote!  I’ll have all the details for you tomorrow or you can go to the High Point Market on Facebook and check it out.  I am sure it will be posted
 there as well.  Come back tomorrow to see what I chose for my olio board.
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And make sure you check back on Thursday, to see what I did with
all the things from above!  It turned out just as I had hoped!
  I’ll share my how to’s just for you! 
 Have a terrific Tuesday!
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