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Fresh Flowers Always Make a Difference….

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Mom’s dining room
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My Mom, Maggie
Yesterday, My friend and fellow blogger included me in a post on her blog called “Mothers Know Best”.  She invited several bloggers to share advice they had received from their mothers that they thing makes a difference in their lives.  You can see the article in it’s entirety  and read advice from some of my other design blog friend’s moms at  Emily A. Clark!  Here is the advice I shared from my mom, Maggie…
One of the most important lessons my mom taught me was to “make memories” with your children. Some of my favorite memories made with my mom were when she signed the two of us up for classes, at the local community college on Tuesday nights, when I was in high school. Not only did I learn how to arrange flowers, weave baskets, knit, and many other things, but I was able to have that special time with my mom making memories I will never forget.  And, the best decorating advice my mom has ever given me is to always use fresh flowers. They cheer up a room and make a room more welcoming, more inviting even if the room is not perfectly decorated.
What are important lesson or pieces of advice your Mom taught you?
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