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Hot Tools from Design Tech Summit – High Point Market – Techie Tips Tuesday

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As always, High Point Market had amazing educational events for designers during this past fall market.  New to market this time was, The Design Tech Summit, which was a three part panel of industry which provided designers with technological tools to improve productivity.  To say it was a big hit is an understatement.   As moderator one of  the three panels, along with HGTV Stars, and Design Camp Founders, Kelli Ellis and Lori Dennis, I had the good fortune of hearing first hand, about the time saving technological advances our industry has available.  We are continually saying, “there isn’t enough time in a day” but with these resources, we were offered tools which allow us to work smarter and regain hours in our day.   
{click to find out what tools we learned about…}

The three panel discussions were:
                           Panel # I         “Project Management for the Design Pro”  
Panel # II       “3D/2D Presentation & Rendering Software for the Design Professional”
Panel # III      “Mobile Design Apps & the G+ Interior Design Community (over 50,000 strong)” 
Each panel was broken out into the topics above, then tools or apps that addressed the topic needs were introduced and explained.  I really liked how Katy Garrett organized the program by offering a plethora of options in each category.  This allowed for the designers to decide which tools work best for their businesses.  This revealed Katy’s pure motive in helping the designer find the proper tools to become more proficient, not just an effort to promote tools or apps.  I was amazed at the many interesting tools that were discussed.  I consider myself fairly tech savvy, but I must say I learned a lot of new things.  It was great to have a expert of each tool, and in some cases the creator of the application, explain exactly how it works and the best way to get the most from the tool.   
Here are a list of applications, tools and speakers from Design Tech Summit High Point:
Design Manager  Lyndsey Piaoli
Design Manager, Inc. develops software and provides Cloud IT solutions to the Interior Design community. Design Manager is fully integrated Project Management and Accounting software for interior designers and any trade associated with design. This interior design software allows designers to standardize their business procedures and stay organized, thus producing a better bottom line. 
Connexionsoft – Mike & Katy Garrett
A fantastic system to manage your proposals, projects and plans all in one place. This app allows you to manage your projects and people so that you work smarter and spend less time re-inventing the wheel.
Design Doc – Gillian Gilles
Design Doc is also a management app to help you manage your projects, clients, accounting,etc. Read more about it on their website.
Everything the designer needs from Studio Graphic Software to work orders,
 measuring, and quickbooks quoting   And they offer a 30 day free trial.
Hunter Douglas ” The Art of Window Dressing”  App – Debbie Green
A free app that allows you to download to see your favorite Hunter Douglas
Window treatments. It has the capability of upload your photos and applying
the Hunter Douglas product so you or your client can see what your window
would look like dressed in the product. 
Design Business RX – Deb Barrett
(running a design business using mobile apps)
Magic Plan download magic plan on your iPhone or iPad to measure your rooms by
taking pictures, then creating a floor plan from the photo in a matter of minutes.
      Cube time and expense tracker
Trace Sketch, create and design with Trace.
3Dream – Donna & Ross Barlett –
A quick and easy way to create 3D designs online.  You can take
 snapshots then create 3D designs and share via print or email with clients.  
SketchUP & SketchThis – Eric Schimelpfenig
The easiest way to draw in 3D on your computer. Please go to the
website to read all about these two apps.  There isn’t enough room
here to adequately explain all they can do.
The experts at Autodesk bring you Homestyler, which is  free online design
 software to help you with interior design and remodeling.  With this app
 layout floor plans in 2D or 3D in a snap.
Color911 – Amy Wax
Just chosen as one of the best Home Products for 2013 by This Old House, Color911
 will help you create colors and color combos from photos.  You have the versatility of creating your own color palettes at the click of a button and then sharing via email. 
Evernote – Josh Zerkel 
Evernote is like an online filing system where everything is easily accessible at your fingertips.  It is an amazing app that allows a multitude of options for keeping up with
 client files as well as your personal folders. 
MarkonCall – Mark Lewiston
“Home Design In The Palm of Your Hand”
Amazing app that is like having a personal interior designer on call 24/7.
Use it for designing and space planning your rooms.
RoomHints – Tiffany Wilson
This app is in beta so you must request an invitation on the website, but make sure you do, because it’s awesome!  The client takes a photo of a room and after uploading is immediately able to find the perfect decor by getting advice from interior designer pros on the spot.  Find the lowest prices on items and view the latest trends. Get style and interior design advice from the pros with this app.  If you are a designer take advantage of the designer signup.  Go to the website and sign up today!  Once you request the designer sign up and fill out the required information you will be put on the beta wait list.
Laurie Chambers Laizure – (she might like you to add her wallpaper biz?) 
– G+ Interior Design Community -Who shared why Google and G+.
Mark Traphagen – Google+ & SEO Ambassador
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Here is a group photo of most of the presenters along with Kelli Ellis one of the moderators and Leslie Carothers, one of the  sponsor of Design Tech Summit
We left with valuable information and fabulous swag bags!  Rebecca Reynolds won an iPad Mini!  It was a fabulous event and well worth attending!
If you weren’t able to attend the inaugural Design Tech Summit, please make sure to put this on your must attend list for SpringHigh Point Market
If you are attending The 
 Las Vegas DESIGN & Constuction Week on Feb. 4th  & 5th,  make sure you
attend the next Design Tech Summit on the Visions 14 show floor.   There will be
more experts and applications added to the program.  It’s going to be fabulous!
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