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Hot Trends at High Point Market April 2013

Last Night I participated in my first ever twitter chat.  Have you done one? 
Let me tell you it moves really fast when there are lots of people in the room.  My head was 
still spinning this morning just thinking about it!  It was tons of excitement though!  The chat 
was lead by the fab Lisa Ferguson of Decor Mentor and five of her designer mentors, Lisa  
Pu from over lp Design Studios  curated their favorite new High Point Market introductions
299 entries of pictures that were sent to them by Cheminne Taylor-Smith, Vice President of 
Marketing for the High Point Market.  What are the trends I spotted? Honeycomb patterns, 
emerald green is obviously the color of the year and we saw brass!!!
What to see some of the items picked for the chat?
The first item introduced in the chat was this honeycomb bookcase by Henredon.  

It drew gasps even on twitter! 

Henredon Furniture – The Revenel Bookcase designed by Celerie Kemble
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The Beautiful Micah Chair by CR Laine

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Everyone loved the Conrad  
 table in green  by Worlds Away
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Harper by Madegoods

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he Micah Chair by CR Laine

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Madcap Cottage’s Pillows which will be shown in the CR Laine Show Room

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I predict the following items will be big hits as well!  These are pretty fabulous too.  If you are going to High Point Market, make sure you check them out! 

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If you would like to see all the items from the twitter chat with High Point Market Click Here to be taken to the High Point Market Pinterest Twitter Chat page

I’m off to Greensboro today to meet our painter for the Show House, Brian Sine!

Follow me on instragram(icon on side bar) if you want a sneak peek of the color Traci and I chose for our trim paint!  I might even snap a few photos around the house if I get time!  

Toodles!  Have a great Thursday!!!!

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