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Wednesday Wow by Denise McGaha Interiors!

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Kitchen  by Denise McGaha. Photo by Dan Piassick
Wow! is all I can say about this one.  Proof that tile isn’t the only option for your kitchen backsplash!  Designed by Denise McGaha from Dallas, Tx for The 2011 Texas State Fair House this backsplash is actually Trina Turk outdoor fabric placed behind glass panels which allows for the fabric to be easily changed out.   This designer is known for her pops of color and attention to detail.  Check out the leather hardware and galvanized L brackets she added to make the painted grey cabinets unique.  Another great feature is the custom chevron designed grey and cream floor created with tiles fromDaltile.  How fun would it be to wake up go downstairs and be greeted with that Italian made Ferrari yellow Bertazzoni oven.  It’s like having your own personal sunshine!  The lighting in the kitchen is from Currey and Company.  What do you think of this kitchen?  
Are you wowed? 
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