To us our house was not unsentient matter–it had a heart and a soul and eyes to see us with, and approvals and solicitudes and deep sympathies; it was of us, and we were in its confidence, and lived in its grace and in the peace of its benediction. We never came home from an absence that its face did
not light up and speak out its eloquent welcome–
not light up and speak out its eloquent welcome–
and we could not enter it unmoved.
– Letter to Joseph Twichell, quoted in Mark Twain: A Biography
– Letter to Joseph Twichell, quoted in Mark Twain: A Biography
Does your home have a soul? Does it tell the story of those who live within its walls? If not, indulge me as I take you on a journey to find the soul of your home. I am not talking about just pinning up school projects or family photos, but rather a deeper journey to tell your family’s story in a way that is unique to you and to each family member.
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Diane Keaton’s Library, designed by Stephen Shadley and photographed by Scott Frances |
Often times a house is decorated by the woman of the house choosing her favorite furniture,fabrics and accessories or following the lead of her designer. While this is totally an accepted manner, there are far more unique pieces that can be added to the design. Anyone can choose popular furniture lines, the designer fabric du jour or sought after accessories, but what really sets your home apart from your neighbors? How can we create a soulfulness in our homes?
We must find creative avenues to express our inner selves in an external way through our decorating. In doing so, we may be able to honor the personalities of the people who live within the walls of the home. This may sound far fetched, but it is possible. It doesn’t happen quickly, but the process is rich within itself.
Once we find our own authenticity, how do we then find it for each member of our family? How do we weave each of these individual threads together to create a nurturing home for our family? The home we are working to create could be considered a tapestry of sorts.
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From The Book “A Perfectly Kept House is the sign of a Misspent Life” by Mary Randolph Carter Project by Pamela Bell |
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